Sunday, June 17, 2007

Regarding Pictures

Alright, so I was hoping to maybe be able to put pictures up on this site, but it's not going to happen. I hope to go back through my journal after I get photos figured out and put links for some things (ie. at a part where I wrote "We saw such and such fantastic monument" I'll put a link to a picture of the fantastic monument), reason being that nobody really cares about my 10 pictures of birch trees or the 40 pictures of a graveyard I took--those are the sorts of pictures that happened when I went "Wow this is beautiful I want to remember it forever--!" and cameras never really do those moments justice... but they can serve to jog the memory pretty well.

So, aside from those links, so far I only plan on having two other sections--first, Living in Russia, where I'll put pictures of the rooms I've stayed in (since anybody who's visited here or seen out pictures from Russia knows how different that can be) and Friends/People. I'll probably try to classify the other pictures by location, but most of them (sorry mom, I know you hate this) don't have any people in them, and aren't really all that interesting, unless you're into that sort of thing (admit it, you're always more excited to see 4 pictures of your buddy partying in a London bar than 20 pictures of some fancy whosawhatsit that was built hundreds of years ago out of diamonds and hemp).

BUT when that does become active, you'll be able to find my pictures at:
...but I'll be sure to let you know once it's working, and give the link again. =)


Anonymous said...

JACKIE!!! i haven't been able to read all your updates yet, your mom just gave me this link today and i need to go to bed now, but i look forward to reading about your adventures!!! miss you darling!!! good luck with everything:O)


~*Ery*~ said...

Have you tried using or using a gmail account/Picasa for pictures? That's how I do mine through blogger (They are all three linked). I'm not sure what the problem is exactly but I'd try those methods if the problem is internet site related.

Yay Jackie!! I miss you so much but I can telly you are really truly enjoying yourself.

Lots of love,

~*Ery*~ said...

THe site does work, hyper link to it an you'll be the way. :)