Sunday, June 17, 2007


So mom told me that she'd forwarded my first long e-mail to a lot of people, and I thought, instead of her doing that, why not make a blog where people could come and see what I'd written themselves? This way I can add pictures, too. So what you're about to read are my adventures in St. Petersburg, mostly written within a few days of their happening. I've looked back over my diary and noticed that a lot of what I've said is probably boring to most people, so I'm going to try to add a section that would be interesting no matter what kind of reader you are to every day (until I run out of crazy things to tell you about Russia, which probably won't happen anytime soon).

Also, if you're reading this, you're probably a friend or relative of mine, and understand how much I love and respect Russian culture (otherwise I wouldn't be writing this from a cafe where no one can pronounce my name, right?). Hopefully, your interest means you're of a similar frame of mind. So, considering that, feel free to share anything on here with your friends, family, etc. But please take this information with an open mind--a lot of what I'll write will highlight the differences between our cultures, but "different" doesn't necessarily mean "worse." If you're relaying anything you read here to someone who suddenly starts using it as fodder to blast Russian society, please stop--they're obviously not taking anything from it but what they want to here, and twisting it into something very negative.

Finally, I encourage comments/e-mails/facebook messages--I miss you all so much, but it costs money and precious time to try and answer everybody!--so know that anything you say is very very appreciated and I'll frequently check this site first (or only) if I'm short on time--so DO write; comment, ask questions, or just say hi--just seeing your name will definitely brighten what might otherwise be a gloomy day. Can't wait to hear from you!

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