Sunday, July 22, 2007

PS A Thank-You

Sorry I forgot to include this, but this is just a quick thanks to Erycca, Ann, Allie, Nancy, Carly, and Grandma for leaving a message on this site. Now that I've gotten both mom and Nana's letters that read "This will be my last letter..." any contact from home has become even more precious. Even if you're just letting me know that volleyball is going to be over soon, I really appreciate it--it makes sitting in this stupid cafe for hours on end, uploading pictures over a ridiculously slow connection and trying to at least give sort of a feel of what I've been doing here, seem worthwhile. Otherwise, I would just stick to writing in my journal for myself--this has become a huge investment of time and energy that sometimes seems as if it would've been better spent working on other things (namely our piles of homework) but thanks to you guys, I still feel like I'm connected with home, and that somebody is actually enjoying what I'm putting up here.

So, once again, thanks muches guys. ^_^ Can't wait to be home soon and see all of you (except maybe Erycca, who I might see not-so-soonly =P)


~*Ery*~ said...

I'm doing my bestest. I probably won't make it home for your glorious return. :( but I'm going to do everything in my power to either get home for a wedding (or two ) and/or (hopefully and) powderpuff. Work is hard to work around (heehee I made a funny) and school is...well you get school, I'm sure.

By the way...Masha's boyfriend reminds me vaguely ( I say vaguely because I really haven't met him to know this for a full on reminder) of Paul. I relaly need to get some girly poster hung in our room because the walls are quickly being covered with: scary skeleton-head-like posters, and men with guns. Ok the guns are attached to the hottest Irish men I've ever seen who appear in a movie that uses the f-word more frequently than I've ever seen...I really hope you know I'm talking about the Boondock brothers. The other posters (which is where Vladimir comes in to remembrance) are of Metallica nd Avenged Sevenfold. Which I don't know if he likes but Metallica is Paul's favorite band and I could have said all that in one sentance, but that wouldn't have been nearly as fun, now would it?

Lots of Love,

Anonymous said...

Trust me, I've read every word and enjoy hearing all about your Russian adventure!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jackie,

For all the times I yelled at you for reading your books; at Greenfield Village, out to dinner, Cedar Point, and wherever else I may have told you to drop the book, I sincerely apologize. You are amazing and certainly the brightest and best in my eyes. My love to you.

P.S. Have a wonderful birthday!!!

Mrs. Whitesell

Sarah says hello and Happy Birthday as well. Maybe we can do a mommy daughter lunch together before you go back to school.

ND Jacquerie said...

Erycca: Aw, drat. But as long as I get to see you more than twice in 365 days, I'll be a happy camper.

And actually... I could definitely see a resemblence too! I couldn't think of many bands to recommend to him, but Avenged Sevenfold was one of them, strangely enough. =)

And a Boondock Saints poster technically counts for both genders, I think. Hot boys for the girls, and guns for the boys. But you probably need something like a big fuzzy kitty to counteract all the testosterone. =P

Mrs. Whitesell:
AHHHHHHH HELLO!! How are you?! Thank you so much for your comment and the birthday wishes (hello to Sarah too!). And the dinner sounds like a great idea.

Actually, you might be interested to know this: the first time I truly felt comfortable in our Russian household was really late some weeknight, when I really had to go to the bathroom (and knew I'd be in there for a long time). Of course, I brought a book... and almost bumpbed into Marina Nikolaevna on my way out. We exchanged "Privets" and carried on like nothing was wrong--and I knew then, that if they didn't think I was super-weird for reading in the bathroom, that we'd get on great. ;o)
(clearly that whole reading everywhere thing is STILL a bad habit of mine)