Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 2_, 2008 || Nervous and Amused

I forget today's date and the computer's having one of its fits where things aren't working quite right.
This'll be a quick post because I have to go pick up my group in about 10 minutes--MY group! Taya went home for the day because, I think, her birthday was yesterday and she deserves a break, and that means with Olga working at the pool all day, the 3rd Group needed a counselor... soooo apparently I'm in charge. Does this strike anyone else as absurd? If the kids really wanted to, they could get me to do whatever they want, since I can't understand everything someone is saying to me. Thank god they're good--they're actually the mod group, the ones that crush us with hugs every time they see us. Things have been going fine so far in the morning--we went to the pool, then rested and now they have theater and choreography, and later I have to take them to "catwalk" and some other class, I can't remember what. Interesting curriculum, nyeh? Hopefully Olga will take over during quiet hour, I could really use a nap. Last night we played volleyball for roughly 3 hours straight--first we got invited by the kids to play Pioneerball, which morphed into volleyball--
Oh, time out. I've got a boyfriend here. We walked out of dinner and a bunch of boys ran up to us shouting "He love you! He is love you!" and they were pointing and then this boy took off chasing another one shouting "I'll kill you!" in Russian. Took me awhile to figure out Misha, who's probably 10 years old, apparently has a crush on me. A group of 5 kids dragged him over later when I asked if I could get a picture with him, and one little boy kept saying "Give him a kiss, give him a kiss, it'll make him very very happy." ...we'll see about that, don't want to be leading anyone on. =P And then a group of the counselors and staff played volleyball together. I was surprised at how seriously some of the older men took it, and how good they were! Zhena, our pool friend, also played, and man can he wail on the ball. He spiked it, Volodya caught a piece of it on his elbow, and then it ricocheted right into my face, so I can definitely speak from experience. Aside from the minor cuts all down my le from the hard court, it was definitely a good time.

Okay, I think tomorrow we have another disco annnnnd I can't think of anything else to say and I hear my group trickling out of theater so I'd better go pick them up.
Thanks to everyone who left comments!


Anonymous said...

We tried a volleyball group as young married couples many years ago. We soon learned to leave the guys home and make it a girls night out at the local grade school. Those spikes will get you every time.GRMA

doug sheridan said...


~*Ery*~ said...

I remembered my comment!

WHat is your true tole at this camp? AT first I thought you were a counselor...which is apparently not true. But you're not a camper either. And your not an American person teaching about American stuff (this I know because I saw you in a kimono) So what are you?


Anonymous said...

Good question--we're not entirely sure ourselves. We help with different groups sometimes, acting like counselors. Other times we lead our own classes, so we're like instructors. Other times we're observers or just play with the kids, so we're almost like campers.
I'm not really sure--and that was really hard to deal with the first few days, feeling like we weren't really contributing anything.

And spikes YEAH I hear you... but Zhenya, the super-sportsmen, wasn't a "win or die" type person--he passed it to his teammates almost every time, and was like "Great!" any time they put a hand on the ball. Pretty much the perfect balance.

Thanks for the comments! =)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should just sit on the side and watch, I would like you to come home in one piece. Be Safe! Love, Mom